Founder CEO Startup ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects approximately 8 million adults experience ADHD though often goes untreated.

What Are examples of signs of adhd?

  • Not completing tasks

  • Starting multiple tasks seemingly at the same time, and having difficulty completing them

  • Finishing the sentences of or talking over friends, co-workers, and family members

  • Feeling restless or fidgety

how do i know if i have adhd?

  • ADHD often manifests in childhood and causes difficulties with performance at school and/or behavioral problems at home.

  • It is important to obtain a comprehensive evaluation to are not being mimicked by another condition.

ADHD Treatment

  • ADHD is treated by a combination of techniques including pharmacology and behavioral techniques to help with organization.

  • As a prescriber, I am able to offer a comprehensive evaluation and if safe and appropriate, can help you gain control over your performance concerns at home or work through the judicious utilization of pharmacology.

Questions? Click here to schedule a free consultation.